Personal Nutrition Guide

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Many people are under the impression that gummies are for kids and that if you’re an adult, you should be taking capsules. However, this isn’t necessarily true, and gummies are making a comeback!

In this post, we’re breaking down key differences between gummies and capsules, who they’re best for, and even comparing some of HUM’s capsules and gummies.

Are Gummy Vitamins Really As Effective as Capsules?

The short answer is yes, gummy vitamins can be as effective as capsules. Both gummy vitamins and capsules come in all shapes and sizes, but what matters most is what’s in them. Gummies get a bad rep because, well, they’re “gummy” and certainly can’t be effective if they’re flavored and fun to chew. However, the research demonstrates that this isn’t necessarily true. 

Two studies on Vitamin C and D indicate that if a vitamin is in a gummy or a standard form like a tablet or soft gel, it is absorbed equally into the bloodstream if it contains the same amount of vitamins or minerals. This means their bioavailability, or the amount that actually gets absorbed and used by the body, is essentially the same, aside from some small differences, and may actually be higher in gummies compared to capsules. 

This is where it can get challenging, as gummies are more limited in space compared to capsules. Capsules often pack in more nutrients than gummies, so you may have to take one capsule instead of two gummies to get the same amount and benefits. 

Gummy Vitamins vs Capsules: Likes & Dislikes 


Gummy Vitamins are best suited for those who prioritize taste, enjoy playful supplementation, struggle with pill-swallowing, or are on the go!


  • Taste: Gummy vitamins come in various flavors, making them a delicious treat and much more fun than swallowing a capsule. 
  • Convenience: No water is necessary! They’re effortlessly consumable on the go.
  • Accessibility: Great for those who find swallowing pills challenging or who are already taking a bunch of pills and are looking for a change. 
  • Nutrient Support: They may be fun, but they can still pack a bunch and effectively deliver the nutrients you need. 


  • Limited Space: Due to space constraints, you may need more gummies to fit the same nutrients as one capsule. 
  • Nutrient Delivery: Unlike capsules, which can offer targeted delivery of certain nutrients to various parts of the GI tract based on pH (acidity levels in varying parts of the GI tract that enable the degradation of the capsule for a more targeted release), gummies begin their digestion in the mouth when they’re chewed, and their digestion continues as they move to the stomach and so on. 
  • Shelf Stability: Gummies may have a shorter shelf life compared to capsules.


Capsules are ideal for individuals sensitive to sugar or looking for minimal ingredients, who don’t mind swallowing pills, and who are just in it for the nutrient themselves. 


  • Minimal Ingredients: Capsules typically contain fewer additional ingredients compared to gummies.
  • Versatility: Capsules can accommodate large amounts of nutrients, which can aid their effectiveness and give you more bang for your buck. 
  • Shelf Stability: Capsules generally have a longer shelf life than gummies.


  • Difficult to Swallow: Compared to gummies, capsules can be difficult to swallow for some, especially if you’re already taking others as part of your routine. 
  • Taste: Some individuals may find the taste of capsules unpleasant.
  • Accessibility: Capsules require liquid for consumption, making them less convenient for on-the-go use than gummies.

If you decide to go the capsule or gummy route, it’s important to look at the label to understand what exactly you’re ingesting. HUM prides itself on having high-quality supplements. Every HUM supplement is formulated without the Tricky 12, a list of ingredients that may be harmful or do not meet our safety and quality standards. This means you won’t find synthetic colors, artificial sweeteners, talc, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, or other questionable ingredients in our supplements, including gummies, where these ingredients can easily be found. 

 If you’d like a complete list of the Tricky 12 ingredients and additional information, I recommend checking out this blog post

Comparing HUM’s Gummy Vitamins to Capsules

SOS PMS Gummies vs. Hormone Balance Capsules

When it’s time to combat those PMS symptoms, SOS PMS Gummies and Hormone Balance Capsules step up to the plate. Both contain chaste berry extract for hormone support and PMS symptom relief. 

Who should take SOS PMS Gummies?

Suppose you prefer gummies or aren’t a fan of taking multiple capsules. In that case, SOS PMS Gummies offers a tasty, vegan option with added cranberry for urinary tract health and vitamin B6 for mood support. 

Who should take Hormone Balance?

If you are struggling with cramps specifically or are trying to keep your sugar intake at bay, Hormone Balance is a better fit. It features dong quai root for targeted relief, making it ideal for those seeking cramp relief.

Pro ACV Gummies vs. Gut Instinct

When it comes to nurturing your gut and overall well-being, Gut Instinct and Pro ACV are both good choices. Both supplements are packed with probiotics to support your gut health and digestion. Both contain clinically studied probiotics, ensuring optimal gut health and digestion. 

Who should take Pro ACV gummies? 

Pro ACV combines the benefits of organic apple cider vinegar with clinically studied probiotics, including Bacillus Coagulans IS-2. This unique blend supports both metabolism and gut health, providing stability even at higher temperatures.

Who should take Gut Instinct? 

Gut Instinct is your go-to for balanced gut health, boasting 25 billion microorganisms mainly from the Lactobacillus species. These probiotics support healthy digestion and immune function, ensuring a diverse gut microbiome. Plus, Gut Instinct’s capsules ensure effective delivery. 


Ashwagandha Calm Gummies vs. Big Chill 

Both Ashwagandha Calm and Big Chill utilize the power of adaptogens to help your body adapt to stressors and enhance mental clarity. Additionally, they both offer support for overall well-being, providing relief during times of stress. 

Who should take Ashwagandha Calm Gummies?

Ashwagandha Calm combines adaptogenic ashwagandha with soothing l-theanine to promote relaxation and combat stress-related fatigue. With adaptogens like ashwagandha clinically proven to reduce stress hormone levels, these gummies offer a delicious and fun way to unwind.

Who should take Big Chill Capsules? 

Big Chill capsules contain the adaptogenic herb Rhodiola rosea, which is designed to improve your body’s response to stress and enhance focus during demanding situations. These capsules offer a convenient solution for busy lifestyles.

Hyaluronic Glow Gummies vs. Collagen Love 

Both Hyaluronic Glow and Collagen Love support skin health and vitality, promoting hydration and fighting visible signs of aging. Additionally, they both contain key ingredients like hyaluronic acid and vitamin C to enhance skin elasticity and protect against free radicals.

Who should take Hyaluronic Acid Gummies?

Infused with hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin E, Hyaluronic Glow Gummies offer a burst of hydration and antioxidant protection. Plus, they taste like orange creamsicles—a win-win for your skin and your taste buds!

Who should take Collagen Love?

Collagen Love capsules work to minimize the appearance of fine lines, fight free radicals, and improve visible signs of aging. Packed with collagen peptides, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid, these capsules promote soft, glowing skin from within. With collagen peptides clinically proven to enhance skin elasticity and hydration, Collagen Love capsules offer support for youthful-looking skin.

Gummy Vitamins vs. Capsules – Which is the Winner? 

As you explore the world of supplements, remember that whether you prefer the playful appeal of gummy vitamins or the straightforward efficiency of capsules, both options offer effective ways to support your health. By considering factors like taste, convenience, and specific nutrient needs, you can find the perfect match for your lifestyle. 


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