Personal Nutrition Guide

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Learning about foods that lower anxiety is important for managing it in a constructive way and not just relying on medication.

Anxiety is a common mental health condition that is more talked about than it used to be. It affects millions of people worldwide and its intensity can be described in many forms ranging from mild to acute.

It’s usually characterised by feelings of fearfulness, worry, and a chronic sense of unease. The effects can be overwhelming. The worst part is the effect it can have on daily life. From interfering in mundane activities to more competitive settings like socialising and the workplace.

Anxiety manifests in various forms. You may or may not be familiar with some of these terms such as anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, and specific phobias (a common one is social phobia).

The impact anxiety has on mental health is significant and can be debilitating depending on how acute the condition is and its effects. It can lead to reduced productivity and poor personal and professional relationships.

If you suffer from anxiety, you know that it generally reduces the quality of your life and hinders you from living it to the fullest.

This blog post explores the connection between food and the symptoms of anxiety. It discusses the basic nutritional science behind it and how it reduces these symptoms. Also included are practical tips and a list of 10 foods that lower anxiety.

round white plate in the centre with salon, fruits, vegetables, leafy greens arranged in a circle; small glass condiment bowls arranged around the plate in a circular, clockwise arrangement, the bowls are filled with natural foods and raw spices that have nutritional value; 10 foods that lower anxiety
Photo: Pexels | Edited: Canva | Graphics: CraveNC

Some of these foods you might be familiar with, which is great because you may already have them in your pantry.

By the end, you will see that foods that soothe anxiety naturally, can help you manage it better and hopefully improve your overall well-being.

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